The next Explore Series event:
Novel Applications of Sensor Technology
MaynoothWorks, Maynooth University
Date: Thursday 26th Oct 2023
Time: 11.00am – 2.00pm
Location: MaynoothWorks BIC W23 A3HY
Register here!
What is the Explore Series?
Explore is a series of workshops supports innovators and entrepreneurs, in different industry sectors keen to speed up their company’s growth plans. We want to select and explore different emerging technologies and make it easier for companies to adapt or integrate into the market solutions and thereby increase competitiveness.
We want to innovators to invest a small amount of time to explore new technologies with the potential upside of accelerating innovation. Listen to experts and other innovators in different industries and potentially access expert knowledge and resources to make a difference in your business.
We plan to pick a different theme for each event and build a programme that is useful to our regional enterprise partners and their clients.
The next Explore Series event theme is: Novel Applications of Satellite Sensor Technology
Date: Thursday 26th October 2023
Time:11.00am – 2.00pm
Speakers: Mr Joe Moore, Dr Stephanie Keogh and Dr Gourav Misra
Location: MaynoothWorks BIC W23 A3HY
Event Objectives:
We are inviting companies in the logistics, surveying, agritech, utilities, water supply sectors to join us on this Explore Series event and register early.
On the day, Innovators can expect to explore new ground and learn how to access off-the-shelf space technology, how they might integrate existing technology into their market offering and avoid wasting money on re-inventing the wheel, avoid running down cul-de-sacs and accelerate project progress.
The European Space Agency is keen to grow it’s ecosystem and become more competitive in the global space technology sector. Why? Well, the market is growing rapidly, expected to reach $1 trillion by 2040, and Europe has a relatively small SME ecosystem relative to other regions. Therefore, ESA is disseminating its technology and offering integration support to bolster SME innovation capability. It wants two types of SMEs to get involved: SMEs to extend it current technology to space transportation missions, and SMEs to repurpose existing space technology to deliver new ground solutions.
We have experts to help you investigate different aspects of spacetech; positioning, navigation, and observation technology from the experts and explore how it could enhance current solutions.
Register your interest!